Ấn phẩm Carlyle_Alan_Thayer

Thayer là tác giả của trên 380 ấn phẩm, có thể kể ra đây một số như sau:[5]

  • Thayer, Carlyle A. (2009). Vietnam People’s Army: Development and Modernization. Research Monograph. Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam: Sultan Haji Bolkiah Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies. 
  • Thayer, Carlyle A. (2005). Leadership Dynamics in Terrorist Organisations in Southeast Asia, Leadership Papers No. 3. Canberra, Úc: Centre for Defence Leadership Studies, Australian Defence College. 
  • Thayer, Carlyle A.; Jamaluddin, Khairy; Taylor, Robert H. (2005). Regional Outlook Forum 2005: Political Outlook for Malaysia, Myanmar and Vietnam. Trends in Southeast Asia Series 2. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. 
  • Thayer, Carlyle A.; Mhd. Shafie Apdal (2003). Security, Political Terrorism and Militant Islam in Southeast Asia. Trends in Southeast Asia Series 7. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. 
  • Thayer, Carlyle A. (2000). “Force Modernization in Southeast Asia and Its Implications for the Security of the Asia Pacific”. NDCP Occasional Paper (Camp General Emilio Aguinaldo, Quezon City, Philippines: Department of National Defense, National Defense College of the Philippines) 3 (1). 
  • Thayer, Carlyle A. (2000). Multilateral Institutions in Asia: The ASEAN Regional Forum. Honolulu, Hawaii: Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies. 
  • Thayer, Carlyle A.; Amer, Ramses (1999). Vietnamese Foreign Policy in Transition. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. 
  • Thayer, Carlyle A. (1998). Cambodia and Regional Stability: ASEAN and Constructive Engagement. The CICP Distinguished Lecture Series Report 14. Phnom Penh, Campuchia: Cambodian Institute for Cooperation and Peace. 
  • Thayer, Carlyle A.; Selochan, Verberto (1996). Bringing Democracy to Cambodia: Peacekeeping and Elections. Canberra, Úc: Regime Change and Regime Maintenance in Asia and the Pacific Project, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, The Australian National University and Australian Defence Studies Centre. 
  • Thayer, Carlyle A. (1995). Beyond Indochina. Adelphi Paper 297. Luân Đôn, Anh: Oxford University Press for the International Institute for Strategic Studies. 
  • Thayer, Carlyle A.; Thakur, Ramesh (1995). A Crisis of Expectations: UN Peacekeeping in the 1990s. Boulder: Westview Press. 
  • Thayer, Carlyle A. (1994). The Vietnam People’s Army Under Doi Moi. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. 
  • Thayer, Carlyle A.; Thakur, Ramesh (1993). Soviet Relations with India and Vietnam, 1945-1992. Delhi, Bombay, Calcutta và Madras, Ấn Độ: Oxford University Press. 
  • Thayer, Carlyle A.; Marr, David G. (1993). Vietnam and the Rule of Law. Canberra, Úc: Department of Political and Social Change, Research School of Pacific Studies, The Australian National University. 
  • Thayer, Carlyle A.; Thakur, Ramesh (1993). Reshaping Regional Relations: Asia-Pacific and the Former Soviet Union. Boulder, San Francisco và Oxford: Westview Press. 
  • Thayer, Carlyle A. (1992). Vietnam. Asia-Australia Briefing Papers. Sydney, Úc: The Asia-Australia Institute, The University of New South Wales. 
  • Thayer, Carlyle A.; Thakur, Ramesh (1992). Soviet Relations with India and Vietnam. Luân Đôn, Anh: The Macmillan Press và New York: St. Martin’s Press. 
  • Thayer, Carlyle A.; Camilleri, Joseph A. & các đồng sự (1990). Trends and Strains: Pakistan, India, Vietnam, Japan. New Delhi, Ấn Độ: Continental Publishing House for The International Institute for Asia Pacific Studies. 
  • Thayer, Carlyle A. (1989). War By Other Means: National Liberation and Revolution in Vietnam, 1954-1960. Sydney và Wellington: Allen & Unwin, Boston và Luân Đôn: Unwin Hyman Ltd. 
  • Thayer, Carlyle A.; Thakur, Ramesh (1987). The Soviet Union as an Asian Pacific Power: Implications of Gorbachev’s 1986 Vladivostok Initiative. Special Studies in International Security. Boulder và Luân Đôn: Westview Press, Nam Melbourne: Macmillan Australia. 
  • Thayer, Carlyle A.; Marr, David G. (tháng 8 năm 1982). Vietnam Since 1975. CSAAR Research Paper 20. Brisbane, Úc: Centre for the Study of Australian-Asian Relations, Griffith University. 

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